Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pros and Cons: Television

"I'm going to take the night off and relax and watch some good TV."
"Reality TV is so stupid."
"TV is such a waste of time."
"I'm obsessed with Gossip Girl."
"Let me finsish this episode Mom.."
"Ugh... commercials..."

Television - there are definitely some pros and cons. Sure, watching the TV for a couple hours a night can be enjoyable and relaxing, but are there negative effects to those couple hours? Sure, reality TV is stupid, but what about the History and Discovery channels?

Pros to watching TV include the extraordinary number of educational channels on TV, including Animal Planet, the History Channel, and the Discovery Channel - these shows broaden our understanding of aspects of the world around us. Watching the news exposes us to what is REALLY happening in the world around us, along with the weather channels that are helpful in planning ahead for future events. Depending on the type of television program someone has, they may have access to viewing the newest movies that are "out" on DVD, that they can simply watch on their TV. Honestly, sometimes, it's nice to kick back, and watch our favorite show.

Cons to watching TV include the fact that once we are watching TV, then we are putting off more productive things that need to be done, and the truth is, there is some trash on TV that is good for a laugh, but really, is unnecessary and inapporpriate. Commericals increase our desire for material possession.Watching TV on a regular basis discourages things like exercise, spending time with family, and reading. There is so much more out there in the world than TV, and we need to GO OUT THERE and see it!

Consider these things the next time you have the day off, and want to sit down all day and watch the tube...

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