Monday, January 7, 2013

New TV?

Well, over winter break, our family got a 40 inch Philips LCD TV. I learned a lot about buying TV's, and some easy ways to go about the process of buying and installing TVs.

Tips -
  • If you know someone who is good with TV's and installing them, ASK AND USE THEM! It will save you a $100 delivery and installation free. At most retailers, you cannot get the delivery and installation separately. We fit our 40' TV into a small Ford Focus, and then had a friend come over and install it!
  • Before you buy your nice, brand new TV, make sure you have all the accessories you need - BlueRay player, or HDMI cable, or a mount to the wall or anything else you may need. That way, you can view your favorite TV shows and movies ASAP.
  • Make sure that the TV you buy has all the features you want - NetFlix or Wi-Fi or LCD or LED or whatever your preferences are
  • Don't go with a TV where you've never even heard of the brand name before. Samsung, Philips, and LG are all safe names to choose.


  1. i just got a new T.V for christmas. i wonder if its a LCD one too. hm. idk but its a really nice T.V. what is the nicest type of T.V ?

  2. the LED TV is probably the nicest type of TV on market right now. it is also the most expensive!
